


Kaivs are a death metal band from Italy drawing inspiration from the 90’s Stockholm death scene (Entombed, Afflicted Convulsion) They bring their own brand of death metal with bone crushing riffs followed up by a unyielding sonic assault.

They have kindly shared with us their first single (For Satan Your Flesh, For God Your Soul) of their debut album “After The Flesh” which is set to release on the 20th September 2024. So, let’s get straight into it.


Straight away your greeted with the sonic assault which we were talking about above with some incredible gutterals. The song continuously pounds at you with these powerful unrelenting guitar riffs that continue to come at you and get faster as the song progresses. There’s a lovely section showcasing the melodic riffs that Kaivs have to offer which I’m sure we’ll see more of on the album!


It’s not just a brutal assault from the guitar riffs you’ll be faced with as the drums thunder along with the track making sure your head will never stop banging. This is a promising showcase of what is to come on After the Flesh and we look forward to hearing more.


Our rating 3.5/5 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑

Be sure to check out Kaivs Ep “Horrend” which is available on streaming platforms already and be sure to follow them on all their social pages. Remember After the Flesh is available on September 20th.

Special shoutout to the artwork on the EP as that is pretty terrifying!


